2001 SOI Short Course Information
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The theme for this yearÂ’s short course will be the implementation of SOI technology in the laboratory and the design center. The goal of the course will be to identify the issues that should be considered when developing a plan to establish or upgrade an SOI fabrication process and/or design capability. The issues will be discussed in terms of SOI wafer properties and wafer selection, SOI device design, integration of SOI processes with device design, SOI circuit design, and radiation effects in SOI devices. We plan to focus on the principal developments in the SOI field during the past 12 to 18 months and provide an overview that will enable the attendee to better understand the significance of the papers presented at this year's conference.
The instructors are experts in their field and have published extensively in their areas of interest. The speakers and their topics are:
SOI wafer selection - Dr. Devendra Sadana of IBM
Device design - Dr. Andy Wei of AMD
Process Integration - Dr. Christine Raynaud of LETI
Circuit design - Dr. James Warnock of IBM
Radiation effects - Dr. James Schwank and Dr. Paul Dodd of Sandia
A work book will be provided that will be organized by topic. It will include a one page overview of the topic with emphasis on the principal developments that occurred during the past year, a copy of the material presented, and a list of important references.
For additional information, please contact:
2001 SOI Short Course Chair
MIT Lincoln Lab
Advanced Silicon Technology
244 Wood St.
Group 88, L-302
Lexington, MA 02173
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